Constipation occurs when bowel movements are less frequent and stools are hard to pass.
It most often occurs due to diet or routine changes, or due to insufficient fiber intake. Constipation occurs because your colon absorbs too much wastewater (stool/poop), which dries out the stool making it hard in consistency and hard to push out of your body. Nutrients are absorbed to back up a little, as the food normally moves through the digestive tract. The leftover partially digested food (waste) travels from the small intestine to the large intestine, also called the colon. The colon collects water from this waste, producing a solid material called a stool.
When you have constipation, food can pass through the digestive tract too slowly. It gives the colon more time to remove water from the waste-too much time. The stool is getting dry, hard, and hard to push out. One of the easiest ways to avoid constipation is to adopt a diet that balances Vata. Favor hot beverages and well-cooked vegetables.
Vata's qualities are cold, dry, light, and mobile, whilst pittas are heat, lightness, intensity, and fluidity, your food should be a mixture of heating and cooling, moderately moist or oily, grounding and stabilization.
Terminalia Chebula or Triphala: Terminalia Chebula or Triphala, which is a fruit that helps cure constipation, is one of the most trusted and effective remedies. You will take one-fourth of a tablespoon, half a teaspoon of coriander seeds, and a fourth teaspoon of cardamom seeds. Grind them and get them twice a day. Triphala has the laxative qualities of a glycoside. Seeds of cardamom and coriander aid in relieving flatulence and indigestion.
Milk, Ghee: Taking one or two teaspoons of ghee at bedtime in a cup of hot milk is an easy and gentle way to alleviate constipation.
Pulp of Bael Fruit: In the evening before dinner, eating a half cup of bael fruit pulp and a tablespoon of jaggery can also help alleviate constipation. You can also add in it bael sherbet along with tamarind water and jaggery.
Licorice Root: Take a powdered licorice root Teaspoon (mulethee ki jad). Add a teaspoon of jaggery and take a cup of warm water with it. Licorice or mulethi is known to promote activity in your intestine.
Roasted Fennel: A teaspoon of roasted fennel (saumph) taken on a glass of warm water at bedtime will serve as a mild laxative. The volatile oils found in fennel seeds can help kick-start digestion by promoting gastric enzyme development.
Anjeer: Anjeer, or figs, soaked in warm water often helps to treat constipation, especially in children. Figs are strongly recommended because of the high content of fibers.
In the morning, drink over four to five glasses of water. You can drink herbal teas such as green tea, chamomile tea which can help boost digestion.
Keep in mind these points, and say goodbye to constipation.